Thursday, November 21, 2013


must have been really exhausted today
after i got home, i fell asleep for two almost two hours straight
power nap ftw!
now the only problem is going back to sleep tonight... gah!
i couldn't sleep well last night
i had these lucid dreams and they weren't even pleasant dreams
here i was sleeping, dreaming about work... wutda frack!
i much prefer the dream i had a few days ago
now that was pleasant (;


it pains me to say this, with utmost shame, that i watched whores' glory on netflix
when that movie first came out, i was reluctant to watch it
i thought hey another porn movie
it had almost 5 stars and it didn't surprise me cos people are horny

all i can say is, wow.....
it's shocking how prostitution is becoming a normality in thailand
all these girls are seated in a room, with a glass window where men can see them
these women are being displayed
and these old perverts are like window shopping for a piece of meat
and this happens during the daytime!
at night they have a pretty good place to advertise themselves by dancing on the pole right in the middle of a mall or an outlet
where the heck are the police?!

i just calculated their price to dollars (don't ask why)
and these girls only cost $60? holy cow that's cheap!

and the segment on bangladesh brothels just broke my heart
all these young girls are forced to sell their bodies in order to eat at least 2 meals a day
what's funny though is that their pimps are these old ladies lol
sometimes parents sell their daughters
these children didn't look very happy... it's like they got their lives taken away from them
if they get kicked out, they'd have nowhere to go
they'd just be brutally harassed in the streets
what's even worse is these young ladies cost no more than $8
it's sad... it's sad how some people can do this to themselves, or worse, their people
this girl asks, is there another path for us? 
just heartbreaking

in mexico, some prostitutes worship this so-called holy death
they even have a statue for it
it's a skeleton and it holds a scythe 
some statues are dressed in a robe
they put it next to Jesus' and Mary's statues
i don't get why they do this... what is this holy death?
it just didn't feel right to me

anyway, i'm thankful that's not my life
i could have been one of those girls
i'm grateful God put me in a place where i can be free, where i have choices
never stop counting your blessings
always be grateful 

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner

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