Thursday, December 12, 2013


Christmas, Christmas, Christmas.
What do I want for Christmas?
I know what I want.
But I know I can never have it.
I'm not saying it's impossible.
The chances of it happening is like one in a trillion.
I'm not even going to keep my hopes up.
I mean who doesn't want to win the power ball?


Had a cup a coffee + black tea this morning.

My immaturity got the better of me.
Started to make fun of everyone.
Sephra was cracking up and Isabel asked why I was so hyper.
She says not to drink coffee when I start school.

Of course I'm gonna drink it! I need it!
Such blasphemy!


I love this quote from Deuteronomy:

"ye shall not be afraid of the face of man; for the judgment is God's: and the cause that is too hard for you, bring it unto me, and I will hear it"

So true.
People have no power over you. 
If you let them, it is on you.
It is how you react to their actions that shows your character.
If people keep mistreating you, it is okay to walk away.
It is better to keep silent, than say something that you will regret.
Feelings are temporary, but what you will say cannot be undone.
Choice your words wisely.

If you come across a problem, offer it to God.
I myself have trouble with this.
I tend to hang onto things.
I don't know why.
I guess some things are too good to let go.
It took me most of my life just to let go of what happened with my father.
I'm just barely moving on.

If you ever feel like nothing ever goes right, just put your hand on your chest.
Feel the heartbeat?
Then God still has a purpose for you.
Keep going. Have faith.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.

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