Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Holding onto sanity

Some people aren't even worth it anymore.
Two weeks bitches! 
Well... 13 days now, then I won't have to deal with yo big lyin' asses no mo'

I won't let it get to me though.
If they're mean, rude or yell at me, I'll just let it be.
I'll keep my mouth shut and be nice.
Like they say, kill them with kindness.

Auntie Fely calls me and informs me about the latest news at work.
She knows everything and she only works on the weekends.
I'm there everyday, and I know nothing. How sad is that? Hahah.

Fely: Rosa asked me why you didn't become a team lead. She said you should be. Didn't they ask you to do it?

Me: Yeah they did.

Fely: Why didn't you accept?

Me: Cos I don't want to.

I honestly think it's a pain in the ass. 
I pretty much do everything that a team lead does anyway, except I don't get paid more.
All they really need is to have an official name for it so that they can have someone to point their finger to when all comes crashing down.
So I don't mind doing what I do. 

I'm kind of surprised about the few people who got picked to become team leads.
They must be desperate now to have someone to put the blame on.
Best wishes to those people. Have fun carrying that burden on your shoulders.

Meanwhile, I'm sticking to my own little world--
where I pretend I'm in Europe, standing on a high cliff overlooking the ocean with a cold breeze blowing.

And I randomly put myself in a small boat, in some tropical island, rowing in the calm and quiet ocean while I watch the sunset.

After enjoying that image, I then picture myself listening and dancing to reggae music in an open tiki themed club that's located right by the beach at night time.

Japan: walking down a road with beautiful cherry blossom trees in plain sight.

Hawaii: hiking in the jungle, knowing that when I reach the waterfalls, it will all be worth it.

London: enjoying the historic sights, learning about legends and unresolved mysteries, and kiss in the rain <3

Oh my gulay, I shouldn't get too carried away.
Otherwise my sanity will drift so far away and I will end up with nothing but a dull mind.

I do want to do those things though.
Maybe not now, but someday.
And when it happens, I will be the happiest girl alive.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.

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