Monday, September 30, 2013


woke up around 7am and armando called and asked me to come by to help them... he's moving into his grandparents house and needs help cleaning up his apartment but i volunteered to watch vivi instead... my first time watching her all by myself, no parental guidance whatsoever

little girlie is sick :( apparently she had a slight fever yesterday but thank God she didn't have a temp today... i kept checking it every hour

i didn't even cook my noodles properly... i just put hot water in a bowl and poured the whole thing in there, let it sit for about 10 mins and ate it... i know i'll be paying for it tomorrow, d'oh!

i didn't leave her side cos i was afraid that she might fall again... i made sure i drank coffee so i wouldn't fall asleep... i put pillows everywhere... how paranoid am i? VERY

Sunday, September 29, 2013


sixth day of 6 days in a row of work!! freeeedom freeeeedom! 
i wish i could run outside, fall on my knees, rip off my shirt and yell freedom cos it's more dramatic that way, and cos that's exactly how i feel right now

one day off then back to work till friday :'( huhuhu WHY
aaaahhh gotta help armando clean up his place tomorrow T_T 
that's it i'm crying me a river

came home from work today and found these two outside the house... they're definitely up to no good... they are planning something.... evil cats takeover!!

whatchu lookin at pussycat

went to chili's to buy dinner cos cooking is overrated

while driving in the car, the song "i don't wanna miss a thing" by aerosmith came on... my mom said i sang it when i was a kid and aunt joyce laughed because i sounded funny... aunt joyce passed away a few years back... my mom said that she was the one who took care of me when i was a baby... she would scold people if they didn't take care of me right... she would look after me and iron my clothes... she really loved me... and whenever i think about my relatives who passed away, i hold back my tears... i didn't even say my goodbyes properly... my grandparents, my aunt, and my uncles... it pains me so much, especially knowing what they went through... like my aunt joyce, she fell in love with a married man and he was very abusive... she died giving birth to his child but he never even once came to visit his son... it makes me mad, but i pray to God that he will realize his mistakes and repent...

today i realized i'm just a lonely girl with a deep desire to be with her family, but can't because things are not the same anymore... the time i had with them i took for granted... that is one regret that i have

Saturday, September 28, 2013

eat, pray, and love

conversation with an elderly lady

florence: is your hair naturally black?

me: yes it is

florence: you don't color it or anything?

me: nope

florence: what nationality are you?

me: i'm uhh, asian... oriental

florence: is that so? you don't look like it

me: what do i look like?

florence: cute

HAHAHA baaaw that made my day... so touched <3 it's funny cos at first she and i didn't get along and were mean to each other... funny how bad things develop into good things haha

aunt rose invited us for dinner and group prayer at her house... tomorrow is st. miguel's and also my late uncle's birthday... his name was miguel too... why is it that the good people always have to go first? i don't get it... uncle miguel was the nicest person i know, he treated me more as his child than his stepson... i remember when my brother and i had to move in with our grandparents in the country, thousands and thousands of miles away from our mother... i will never forget the time when i was on my lunch break from school i was so scared cos of the new/unknown environment... i went to my uncle's house since it was within walking distance from the school... i was by myself and didn't talk much... he saw me and offered me some food but i already brought mine from home... he told me to help myself, and as he was about to leave, he came back and reached into his pocket... he grabbed a handful of coins and gave them to me... i was speechless... he left and i was just touched... every time i remember it, it still touches my heart... it almost brings tears to my eyes... i am just so sad that he had to go so young... i love you uncle amba 

anyway, my mom and i helped aunt rose prepare the food... we grilled some chicken and pork in the backyard... the weather was just perfect... i'm so glad we did it... we ate and chatted about different things... we talked about astral projection, aliens, government conspiracies, the healthcare field, etc... it's nice to have people that you can talk to about different things... it was refreshing to me, made me feel relaxed... after that we prayed the rosary... i thanked God for everything, prayed for conversion of my family and friends especially my brother, prayed for the healing/comfort for the sick, the souls in purgatory etc... i really am just nothing without Him

something to think about:
when Jesus was on that cross, he cried "Father, my Father, why have you forsaken me?" that moment He was giving into his Father's will, not His... He was an obedient son...
and that's what we all should do, or at least try to... follow God's will, not our own... Jesus died for us, let us obey our Father

love your neighbors such as you love yourself... i'm not perfect but i know a little bit about love

love is when you tolerate people even when they did you wrong
no matter how much someone angers or hurts you, you still pray for them
love is when you bless your enemies
love is forgiving someone you deeply care for even after they have humiliated and disrespected you
love is wanting happiness and a blessed life for the person you love even though they don't return your feelings and/or have broken your heart
love is showing kindness to strangers
love is giving what you have to people who are less fortunate
love is being considerate of others

God, with your help, i hope to become a better person... the person that You want me to be

Friday, September 27, 2013

boredom strikes again

When Was The Last Time…

Went on a really awesome vacation?
- Back in July in San Francisco with the besties
Kissed someone you really liked?
- It was probably around this time last year
Stayed up all night long?
- Can't even remember but I sure miss staying up all night long
Got in trouble at school?
- Grade school I was really bad
Did something you regretted right away?
- I told someone some stuff that I shouldn't have said

Went to a concert?
- I think it was in Cancun... some unsigned girl was singing at the resort
Went on a shopping spree?
- Last month? Depression got to me
Asked someone out?
- Errrmm, never have
Did something that you were really proud of?
- I didn't fuck up at work today? Haha
Did something really embarrassing?
- Can't remember shit
Did something illegal?
- Earlier at work but I'm not gonna say it here lol
Went skinny-dipping?
- Still waiting to do that!!


When did you last step outside? What were you doing?

- This afternoon, I came home from work

Did you dream last night?
- Yes

Do you remember your dreams?
- Sometimes

When did you last laugh?
- An hour ago

Do you remember why / at what?
- I told my brother his hair was ugly and he said so was mine and my mother's LOL

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
- Hawaii

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
- Houses and houses everywhere

Tell me something about you that most people don't know.
- I'm double jointed

If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
- Corruption, people minding their own business, encourage compassion and empathy

Do you like to dance?
- Yes

Would you ever consider living abroad?
- Sure

Does your name make any interesting anagrams?
- No unfortunately

Type of music you like most?
- Upbeat pop

Type of music you dislike most?

- Screamo, metal

If you could change something about your home, without worry about expense or mess, what would you do?
- Add more rooms, bigger living room, more bathrooms

What was the last thing you bought?
- Gas

Have you ever ridden on a motorbike?
- Yes

Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?
- Hell yes!

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
- Shit... and more shit

If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
- Forever 21

What time is bed time?
- 9-11pm

Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?
- Yes

How many tattoos do you have?
- 2

What did you do for your last birthday?
- Went to Hawaii with my girls

Do you carry a donor card?
- Nope... though I did tell them to put it on my driver's license

Who was the last person you ate dinner with?
- Val

What's the farthest-away place you've been?
- Philippines

Are you a good cook?
- Fair

Do you know how to pump your own gas?
- Of course, who doesn't?

If you could meet any one person (from history or currently alive), who would it be?
- Aunt Judith

Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school?
- Yes

Do you believe in love at first sight?
- No

Think fast, what do you like right now?
- To be with my loves

Where were you on Valentine's day?
- At work

What time do you get up?
- 4:30 am

Is there anything going on this weekend?
- Just work

How are you feeling right now?
- Ok... though I hate that question

What do you think about the most?
- The future and stuff

If you had A Big Win in the Lottery, how long would you wait to tell people?
- Probably never

Who would you tell first?
- My mom

Do you sing in the shower?
- Sometimes

If you could have any job, what would you want to do/be?
- Freelance photographer or writer

Where would you retire to?
- Hawaii or Seattle

What are your best characteristics?
- My wonderful sense of humor

If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go?
- Everywhere

How far away from your birthplace do you live now?
- Very far

Are you a morning person or a night owl?
- Neither, but leaning more towards night owl

What are some of the different jobs that you have had in your life?
- Waitress, teacher's assistant, clerk, m.a.

What is most important in life?
- God and family

honesty is the best policy

they had a little meeting at work today and i found out some people have been falsely documenting on this lady who has mental issues... so glad i wasn't there when asses were being chewed out! honesty is the best policy people... just do yo jobs and go home, don't be lazy... i mean im lazy too but i am smart enough to cover my butt.. sheeeeeesh

be honest, be honest, be honest

finally filled out my living will because i know my mama will do everything she can to keep me alive... i just need to get it notarized... there's a difference between suicidal and reality.. i'm a realist.. when you're a vegetable, you're basically dead... i don't want some machine hooked up in me, attempting to give me life cos let's face it, it won't... and even if it does bring me back, i will never be the same person as I was before... i'd rather be dead than having myself or my family deal with that... i know it's hard mama but stay strong for me kaykays?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

gift hunting and relief

my texts still remain unanswered from jill
oh well i guess she doesn't want me going with her on her birthday trip now 
which would be fine with me cos i get to save money

armarie called and said she needed help to pick out a birthday gift for her mom so i went to her place and found out that vivi fell off from their bed! NOOOO!! :( so glad she's okay though... nothing broke or anything, no bruises either thank God... God is good all the time... that little bugger just can't stay still even when sleeping! but the most important thing is that she's fine, woohh what a relief

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

mind raped

today is a pissy/tickoff/annoying kind of day... first my boss denies my request for some time off... i don't see what the big deal is... it's only 3 days girl, loosen the fuck up.. how hard is it to call the agency, it's not like you've never done it before... in fact you call them so much it's probably why they send people everyday even when they're not needed... fucking hypocrite

and i decided to get a haircut and since the place of my first choice didn't accept walk ins i had to go to another place and had a white lady cut my hair... biggest mistake of my life... from then on, i swore to myself that i would NEVER let a white person cut my hair, NEVAAAR! bitch did a half ass job on my bangs, and overall my entire hair

unsatisfied, i went to that korean lady next to the filo restaurant... i had to wait probably almost 2 hours, but boy it was worth it... that woman did wonders to my already fucked up hair... i still can't believe i tipped that white woman more than the korean lady... from now on i'm gonna start going to her for my haircut

so i texted jill about my request being denied and i told her i would call in sick for two days... since she took so long to reply, i told her i wouldn't be able to call off cos i have no guts whatsoever... then she gets upset and tells her sister and her sister texts me... i explained that i was only teasing her but i guess she took it seriously... friggin' texts ruin everything (-_-) if i had said that personally i think she would've found it funny

but what i like about texting is it doesn't show your real emotions... your facial expression usually gives it away... and since i'm uncomfortable about dealing with feelings, texting or writing is my ideal way of expressing my thoughts

sigh... however people just don't seem to get my sense of humor... sad, just sad.

then i heard from a little bird that auntie fely was asking around about why i haven't hooked up with armando yet... umm, yeah auntie, not gonna happen... he's a nice person and all but it's just... well let me put it this way... he has some qualities that i just don't care for at all... then armarie goes and tells her i'm not interested in men (-_-) i guess that's why auntie fely is so awkward around me now

ahh oh well... what's done is done... although i don't think my sexuality or preference is anybody's business... i don't go bragging around about who or what i like, i don't keep it a secret either

i see a person for who they are on the inside.. but if i were to fall in love, and it happened to be a girl/old man/jew, then that's that... whatever happens happens... can't do much about it... 

love knows no age, gender and/or race

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

boredom at 5 in the a.m.

just because i'm booooooooored

    001. What is Your Name? bo 

    002. How old are you? 22 

    003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace? 

    004. Last person you hugged? vivi~ 

    005. Last person you kissed? jeejee 

    006. Last person you had a conversation with? kevin 

    007. Last person you texted? jae 

    008. Last person you called? jae 

    009. Last person who called you? auntie fely 

    010. Last person you dated? joaquin 

    011. Last person that broke who your heart? chane :( 

    012. Last person who you hung out with? jill, vivi, armarie, jerald, mando and gabriel 

    013. Last person you lied to? my mom :( 

    014. Last person you were mad at? jim 

    015. Last person you made mad? no idea 

    016. Last person you drove in a car with? jeejee 

    017. Last person you told you loved them? jae 

    018. Last person who told you they loved you? my mom :) 

    019. Last person you had a crush on? not telling cos i still am crushing 

    020. Last person you a-i-med? don't even use a-i-med or whatever that i
    021. Last person you talked to? jeejee 

    022. Last person you held hands with? jeejee 

    023. Last person you thought about? isabel 

    024. Last person you added on facebook? hmm... im thinking either amy or brianna 

    025. Last person you added on Myspace? haven't used myspace in a looooong time
    026. Last person you gave a gift? armarie 

    027. Last person you made out with? umm... i don't think that would count as "making out" so i would say nobody 

    028. Last person who lied to you? afou (thanks for not clocking me out!)

Monday, September 23, 2013

it is officially fall

fall is finally here! so happy we're only in the 90s this week... way better than the 100s 

had lunch at the korean place.. the new look is definitely better.. no more going into the back of the kitchen to use the small bathroom full of cockroaches (Y)

food wasn't half bad either... my bulgogi yummers

went to help armarie grocery shop for her bday tomorrow... she's gonna cook for almost 30 people... you can just imagine how much she paid for the groceries (*_*) kraykray

also got jae dinner before she went to work (thanks to jeejee for eating all the baked mussels leaving her sister no food to eat) 

although jeejee got distracted by the server's cuteness as she was ordering jae's food... he accidentally put sour cream on top of it and i guess for a moment she had a brain fart... she was also opposed to the idea of getting her sister dinner.. her reason being jae can cook for herself... but how you gonna let a sick person cook before she goes to work? nuh-uh, we are going to chipotle!

spent some quality time with vivi today... played with her, fed her, changed her, and laid her on my tummy to sleep ahh~ y u gotta have such a cute feace for! one would think that this girl is ready for motherhood but i say NO... nuh-uh, too soon and too selfish for that hahah

so i guess we're going to sedona on jeejee's bday.. she wants us to do yoga and wine tasting... wine tasting i'm ok with... but the yoga thing... i just don't think i'm flexible enough for that... but it's the bday girl's wish so i gots to do it... i love that dork after all

Sunday, September 22, 2013

health is wealth

i made some chicken egg noodle soup for my sick luvie and baked mussels for my other half <3 hahahah 
also shared some to the married couple... sorry vivi you're not old enough to eat solid food yet... just stick to your mashed potatoes kaykays?

glad to know jill liked the baked mussels... hope she left some for jae... if not, she's a dead woman.. and she has been warned by me
i especially made the soup for jae cos she's having a headache due to congestion... i'm just happy it's nothing serious... health is wealth after all

momo and francis bought some food at boston market for dinner... it was better than what we had yesterday, and much cheaper... they kept bringing up the hawaiian eatery disaster from yesterday and rubbing it in... jerks >_>

leg is itching... hope it's not mosquito bites.. that seems to be going around a lot lately

Saturday, September 21, 2013

mundane is boring

finally got to go mountain biking again! woke up around 5 a.m. before it got too hot as hell... mom came along and hiked... i still got a little scared after what happened... i walked at steep and rocky trails, i was pathetic (-_-)

also saw johanna, jc, and joelle after not seeing them for a looooong time! met up with them at rib shacks for lunch... johanna you lucky shit! i hope you enjoy your wedding/honeymoon/vacation back home... bring back some goodies for mama! 

after lunch i came home to take a quick nap then went to armarie's cos we wanted to try that hawaiian place down at mesa called aloha kitchen... the verdict? TERRIBLE... the lomi salmon didn't have any salmon in it, the beef was uncooked, the katsu was tasteless and the macaroni was just not as good... plus they made a mistake by giving our food to the wrong people so we had to wait for a long time.. francis complained to the cashier/server and she just burst into tears! armarie and i couldn't stop laughing hahaha... we tried to stop ourselves cos it wasn't nice... but oh well... 
went to the streets to have dessert... we all got the taro boba... at least it was fulfilling! 

my laulau plate... this hawaiian eatery is fake 

At least lunch was better

my sugar is sick =( i guess vivi shared some of her sniffies to her... i want to make some soup for her but i don't wanna bring it to her place cos i'll get sick LOL... well i hope you get better bebe... mama needs her cuddling buddy

Friday, September 20, 2013

smooth sailing

friggin salsa tore me up this morning.. but i can't help but eat some more! it's spicy but it's spicy good! so worth it... was tossing and turning all night, barely got enough sleep... now i bought me some designer eye bags hurr hurr

fo shizzle michelle was checking out my butt first thing she does at 6 in the morning... gurl, you ain't gettin dis, lookin's for free but touch is gonna cost chu mmm-hmmmmm ain't no such thing as vanilla and rice swirl swirl LOL 

no bosses at work today... the manager and nurse went golfing or something... hope y'all get a nice tan... great way to get skin cancer... i ain't complaining though, it was nice at work today... mostly played candy crush... LEVEL 107 boo yaaaah!

missing hawaii so bad :( morris is so lucky... hawaii is definitely my ideal place to live in... gotta start making that dough

so i guess we're not going to napa on jeelyn's bday... it's so expensive cos it's way too late to book the trip now... told jeejee they can just go without me but she says she doesn't want to drive -_- i should have known

we'll see where this little bday journey will take us next

Thursday, September 19, 2013

tolerance overcomes adversaries

isabel gave me some of her homemade salsa today and bought me a box of Ksmart bbq chips.. SAY WHAAAAAT... i know in my previous blogs i mentioned how that lady gets on my nerves but i guess being tolerant pays off... amina stuck me and her in m2 and i know arlicia was expecting us to not get along... so IN YO FACE BITCH

i guess i impressed her with my work ethic ;D hmm... not really... i did help her with some of her residents, and i worked as if i didn't have any pride so people like me and give me food and stuff... i know some of them don't like isabel... the way they treat her is just sad... i almost feel sorry for her

i don't keep up with the gossip at work... today noel told me that ayen got suspended last week... i says whaaaaaat how come i didn't know about this?! i was surprised, wow... marcie ya tattletale... two of the things i strongly dislike: tattletales and ass kissers... and most of them i work with, sigh... 

still waiting for season 2 of oitnb... the wait is killing meeeee... and they say it won't come out til the middle of next year AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! netflix y u so slow -__-

i just had to share this HAHAHAHA

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

busy little bee

busy day... probs only sat down for 10 minutes for the whole 8 hour shift... good thing the legs are used to it now... my legs of steel LOL

got one of jeelyn's "i'm too lazy" text messages again today... i guess that's what you get for having 4 days off from work.. lucky nerd! but i'm sort of excited for next month on her bday, planning to go to napa valley for 3 days... already submitted my pto YER YER... though not sure what we'll do there.. she says she wants to do the spa thing but it's hella expensive... i think i'll just stick to hot springs... public indecency ftw!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE! yesterday was great, thanks for the food it was delish! i wish i could cook as good as you.. i'm sure vivi enjoyed herself even though she only ate her puree food hahaha... speaking of vivi, my throat was a little scratchy last night and today... i hope i don't get the sniffles! it's too early to get sick :( 

jae and i gave vivi a shower that tiny ladybug moved so much she made me drop the soap! boy im telling ya... if i were in prison i'd have been screwed

ahh well i guess she got that from her dad and aunties lol the outfit she wore was cute! it was black and white with a bow on it, so vintage-y~ 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


well yesterday was a disappointment... i couldn't even get my ass up... i was in bed most of the day... i think the az heat had something to do with it... our cookoff didn't happen and i didn't even go biking as planned... 8 in the morning and it was already 90 deg... schizza! just ordered 'za for lunch then dinner at armarie's... happy tummy~

started watching orange is the new black on sunday and finished it yesterday... just 2 days daaaayym dedication right durrr haha... i love me some dandelion, ohh ohh vanilla and chocolate swirl swirl LOL... i threw my pie for you chapman! can't wait for season 2!!! such a cliffhanger... fawk you healy!! 

also went to the movies last night with jae... insidious 2 dun dun dun!
better than what i expected... i really don't know why it got some bad reviews... i thought it was good... and may i say it was as good as the first one... although the first one was a little scarier with the demon trying to take over dalton's body... that thing almost made me shit my pants... scary f**k ass sh*t gave me insomnia for two nights

not a bad night.. definitely enjoyed the time i spent with vivi and jae... oh vi, you are growing up way too fast *tear* but im gonna see u again today! i wish i could nibble on your cheeks all the time <3 muah muah muaks!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Venting frustration and anger

Today's just not my day. It's a day like no other. When I woke up this morning, I tried to maintain a positive attitude. And I got to work and it was going good at first. Then out of freaking nowhere these residents start going off on me for no reason at all. First, 102: she was confused as heck. She said she just ate her supper. The fawk?? She got angry and was saying all kinds of things. I told her I'd get her food and left... whatever lady.

Then 205: she starts yelling that I should come exactly at 7am... and I was there at 7:03am... like what the shit woman?! Before I knew it, I found myself talking back to her. And something that I said must have shut her up. Gosh I don't even remember what. Sometimes I think I have temper or anger issues myself and don't even know it. And 211 calls just to have me rub her back. I said I can't stay long because other people still need my help then she gets mad and tells me to rub some more. I just went off like a sumabitch and left. 

203 and 202 wanted attention like always... those oldies just want to be babied... then the kitchen people started going off on each other and Ana gave me the silent treatment. I'm assuming cos I came 5 minutes late but hell I don't care. I don't have anything to lose if you never talk to me again. If you want to complain to the boss, go ahead. I've had enough of that damn place anyway. Right now I'm just feeling like 'I don't give a shit.' This ain't worth my health.

Then at lunch time 106 comes in 15 minutes late and blames me for not waking him up from his nap... Fuck dude, since did we start doing that for you!? I think that place will be the death of me. So much stress. 

But not as stressful as my old job as an m.a. That was worse than hell. But I'm glad to be out of there cos if I had stayed longer, I think I would have strangled that whore of Babylon... the biggest whore of whores.

Now I know what you're thinking. How can such a sweet little innocent girl have so much anger and hatred built inside? Well, I'll have you know this little girl is incapable of expressing her emotions and just holds everything in. And as much as I long to express myself, I just can't. I've tried, and I still am trying. It just frustrates me when people get impatient and automatically think they know everything about me. 

But all in all, Ana talked to me before the shift ended, 205 was nice and said hi to me, 203 and 202 didn't bother me, 211 didn't remember I was even in her room hahaha, 106 kindly asked me for his food and called me 'hon', and 102 softened up as I kept trying to joke with her. 

God saved the day. I thank Him for giving me a little bit of patience and strength to deal with difficult people today. 

And so now I am looking forward to my day off!!! I may watch a movie tonight... go mountain biking in the morning. My scars are pretty much healed up. Then use my cooking skills with Sam. I told Jae to just relax and let us do all the cooking since she'll be coming from work. As much as I'd love to try her chopsuey, I'd feel bad having to have her cook something. Ohh the things I do for love bwahaha

Saturday, September 14, 2013


I'm gonna start off by thanking the man upstairs for keeping me alive because I thought Val was going to kill me earlier because I forgot to clock her back in from break haha. I swear man... my memory is the worst.

Today was a funny day. (It's even funnier how this whole blog thing is turning into a diary ahah). This morning I thought I heard something that sounded like a fart.

Me: Did you fart?

Ana: Cos you blew me away?

This girl thinks I'm trying to pick her up LOL. Ahh, just another fart-filled day.

Auntie Fely never fails to make me laugh every time. She keeps asking me for utan (malunggay soup). Today she told one of our coworkers (she's African-American) to ask me for some utan... and it ended up sounding really disturbing. 

Amina: Where's the oten? 

(Note that oten is a Filipino word for the male genitalia)

Me and Armarie just cracked up laughing! Hahaha. I just knew that Auntie Fely was behind all this LOL. I love my dorky peeps <3

I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you Hayley <3 Falling for her all over again (:

And Miley Cyrus, please put your clothes back on.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday the 13th

Welp... my appointment was very informative. I made the appt because the receptionist said it was the next step to take. All Corey did was show me around the place. Didn't even know what my schedule will be, or when they're going to contact me. I went in there knowing nothing whatsoever of the place and first thing he asks me is 'how can I help you today?'. Well gee Corey, I don't know... you could show me where people go to pee and shit. Goodness... I was kind of expecting a warm welcome and maybe some insight of what is to be expected from this. Ahh, oh well... I guess it's the waiting game all over again.

Had our staff meeting today. As usual it was pointless. The gossipers, people not doing their jobs, or people doing their best but still not good enough for the big bosses and all that nonsense. I left 15 minutes after the meeting started so I didn't hear the rest of it... thank God. I could never understand why some people can't keep it professional. Don't they have anything else better to do? Geez people, stop focusing on other people's business and mind your own. It just gets on my nerves. One of the things I hate about that place. Then I think to myself, they're not worth it. And I move on.

Was talking to Kevin last night. The boy had good timing. As I was getting ready for bed, he sends me a pm on fb. Talked to him for about an hour... And before I go on, I should mention that our convos will seem odd to other people. We just talk about random things and we have our own little inside jokes. 

I miss Siew... but life goes on. I guess it was time to outgrow our little friendship and move on to better and bigger things. I think that's why I don't invest too much emotions and time in people. Because I know that when better things come for them, they will eventually leave you and move on. They'll meet new friends and have new experiences. Not like I'm mad or upset about it. I've already accepted that it's part of life and it's very common. It just makes me sad... but if they are happy with where they are, who am I to get in the way of their happiness? Just saying. 
I don't mean to sound depressing but that's life. 

Hmm... I'm kind of excited for next year. I hope God has something great in store for me. I am looking forward to having a busy lifestyle again. I think I've been idle for too long. I'm also gathering the courage to confess to the love of my life. I am planning on doing it before this year ends. I mean I have to. That way I won't have to think and stress about it so that I can solely focus on my life. 


Thursday, September 12, 2013


Been missing Chanelle lately. I keep wondering what she's doing now and how life's treating her. Last time I talked to her she was so busy with uni.

I'm so fond of that dork. Her and her wise-ass jokes, always teasing me about our age gap. There's not a conversation that went by, that didn't make me go WTF? Hahaha. She makes me laugh. If I have to describe her in one word, I would say she's unique. Quite unique. 

In this convo I think we were talking about our tough childhood and how our parents disciplined us. Then we talked about how we would discipline our future children and this is how it wound up looking haha.

And in this one we talked about how some internet users talk like them ghetto-ass black people. We had a little contest... we talked like that and whoever lasted the longest won... I lost. Did I mention I'm a sore loser? Hahaha.

It's no question that this girl loves her Missy Higgins. She's like obsessed with her. I wouldn't be surprised if they found her all bloody and wearing nothing in Missy's garage. But one thing I still don't get. Why is having your own picture in the background of your phone so funny? What's so funny about it?! Someone explain it to me!!

She hates the fact that I liked Ice Age LOL. Well I can't help it that I got a sense of humor of a five year old ok!

The funny thing about this is that both of us have a terrible, I mean terrible, memory. We couldn't even remember what one said to the other. And as much as I hate to admit it, this is true:

Lastly it's no secret that I am a little slow on the uptake of things. I guess I'm not as smart as people make me out to be. Definitely one of those 'if you see it, you'll shit bricks' things.

Work today, as usual. Went to P.C. to get registered. Then I have to go back tomorrow to talk to one of the advisers. The receptionist was cute. If I didn't watch myself, I'd have been clumsy as hell hahah.