Thursday, October 23, 2014

NS problems

Almost shat my pants when our lect. professor surprised us with a concept map presentation.
I was mouthing terrible words to my fellow groupies.
What the eff is she talking about, concept map?
Then I found out we had already done it in our case studies.
We just had to put it in concept map form.
After writing them all down on the board, everybody done take pictures.

College. Because writing down notes is overrated.

Found this pic on pinterest.
Oh Ross.

I was beginning to worry that I lost my ability to draw.
So I took a break from studying and drew away.
Mama still got it! 
Mikasa from Attack on Titan.

Sasha, the potato girl.

I wanted to scare the DLS sisters after they came back from their trip.
Was going to put this on the back of their door.
But I said nahh. They might shit their pants.
Cleaning the carpet is no easy job.

Story of my life.

When does the pain of being a nursing student go away?
How many gallons of ice cream must I eat?

I think this is how my future relationships would be like.
I need my me time.

Something weird happened yesterday.
While on break from lecture, I headed to the bathroom in the corner of the building because it is nice and rarely used.
I didn't know Temi was there as well.
I was surprised she stayed despite being sick.
We talked while I was peeing away.

Me: You should go home Temi, you'll get worse.
Temi: I'm not gonna go home... even though my cough is getting worse.
Girl in the other bathroom stall: Awww....

The fuck? I thought there were just the two of us in there.
And way to join in on our convo.
Freak me out.

Being a nursing student makes you a hypochondriac.
Take me and Judy for example.

Judy: It's true what they say. I was reading our book and realized I have the same symptoms. 
Me: Me too! Once in a while I get chest pains. I think, maybe I'm having M.I.
Judy: (LOL) maybe you just slept wrong. Sometimes I get pain in my shoulder.
Me: Maybe there's carbon dioxide stuck in there.
Judy: Right.
Temi comes over to our table and sits next to us.
Temi: Guys... I need a Kock pouch

Fo sho

Had clinicals today.
It was my turn for wound care.
I thought there were more people working in the wound care team but surprisingly there were only 4.
Apparently one of the nurses had recently bought a house and wants it cleaned right away.
She found an ad for housecleaning for less than $100 for two hours.

Susan: Two hours? That's nothing.
Nicole: You think so?
Me: It took me 6 hours just to clean my room.
(short pause)
Susan: (laughs) Teenagers.

LOL... pathetic Bo.

Also got my midterm evaluation from our clinical instructor.
I remember her saying I was too shy and that I needed to jump in at every opportunity I get.

Temi: You? Shy? Hah!
Me: Right!? The nerve! 

FYI Mrs. P, the reason why I don't just jump in is because I don't want to make a mistake like KILL MY PATIENT.
We're only nursing students.
I don't even have my license yet. I don't want to get into any kind of trouble.
As a student, we're not even being protected by our school.
Not only does the supervising nurse get in trouble, but we do too!
Too early to be getting my nonexistent license revoked haha.

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