Thursday, February 12, 2015

Nursing Skill 101

This is just for me to remember certain steps on performing IVPB through a saline lock.

1. The basics: Identify patient, provide privacy, check orders, wash hands, evaluate patient, then review or explain procedure to the patient.

2. Prime secondary bag.

3. Calculate rate, re-check/look up medication determining its action, onset, peak, duration, side effects and nursing implications.

4. Assess the patient. Assess the site for tenderness, pain, redness, and swelling.

5. Unclamp tubing, flush with 3 ml of saline and watch for phlebitis and infiltration.

6. Connect primary tubing to the saline lock.

7. Connect secondary tubing to the primary tubing and back prime it.

8. Lower primary bag.

9. Set the pump to the correct rate. 

10. Make sure all the clamps are open (roller clamp and tubing clamp).

11. After 30 minutes or after secondary bag is done infusing, come back to the room and assess the patient for any adverse reactions.

12. Turn off the pump.

13. Disconnect the tubing from the saline lock.

14. Then flush the saline lock with 5 ml of saline.

15. Document.

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