Saturday, February 28, 2015


I think I may have found my anime or should I say manga twin. 
Meet Mei Aihara
We share some similar traits too... moody, pessimistic, loner, emo 

The only difference is:
She will never be as cool as me
And I will never be as popular as her.

Friday, February 27, 2015


Got asked to draw a design by prof. John
Apparently he's starting a new organization for male student nurses
And he needs an image to represent them
Why the hell not, I thought.
Just this morning he was saying how there was a male empowerment group on campus.
I thought that was funny.

Better give me credit for the drawing prof. J!
He gave me mentos for my goddaughter as thanks bwahaha.
Should have told him green-tea flavored kitkat so the girls and I can enjoy it instead! (as per Temi's suggestion)
Why didn't I think of that?!?

Anyway, I passed practicum with flying colors except for the math quiz after.
The direction said round to the nearest tenth.
Why the hell did I round to the whole number?!?
I was too blown away to get mad at myself... even laughed in the car while driving home
Especially that last question.
I multiplied 5 (instead of 0.5) by 1000. What the eff was I even thinking ( ̄□ ̄)

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Took an afternoon nap today.
Did I really just dream about one of Victoria's Secret's angels, Lily Aldridge?!
Even dreamt about a nice set of red laced underwear.

Anyway, in the dream, I thought someone broke into my house (in the Phil.) 
Turned out it was just Lily taking a shower.
And when she came out of that bathroom (clothes-less), and tried to cover my eyes... 

Then I half woke up.
My body was fighting to go back to sleep but I knew if I did that, I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.
I need to get up early tomorrow after all. 
And I have that quiz T_T

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Thai food

I hate feeling sick.
It makes me want to strangle somebody.
Take note: don't be around me when I'm sick.
All you'll get from me is silence and ice cold glares.

Mama and I are both sick.
But we went out anyway to get our watches fixed.
And she bought me a new one <3 thank you mama
Then had lunch at Line Thai (awesome place btw, highly recommended). Price is a bit high but food is delish.

Appetizer: Chicken satay

And soup with shrimp.

Forgot to take a pic of the main entree GAH!!
Felt slightly better afterwards.
Now back to studying T_T

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Post birthday/Valentine's celebration

I wasn't even planning on going to hang out with the girls last night.
Periods hit early and I really felt like shit.
Didn't even want to get out of my bed.
... but I was seduced.
Food is, after all, my weakness. 
I'm not crazy enough to say no to buffalo wings!
My birthday's long passed so I seriously didn't think much about it. I've put it all behind me. 
I've moved on and expected everyone else did too.

Sos I go into the apartment,
and out comes Sam holding a cake with candles in it.
Gotta admit I was slightly embarrassed. 

No wonder you insisted on me coming! 
Even used food as bait... how shameless.
Nevertheless, you guys made me feel special.
I really do appreciate all and every little effort put into putting all that together.
Thanks... you guys are awesome.

And Sam, don't worry. The shakiness is barely noticeable ;)
Since the four of us are still single, you guys are my Valentine.
So I'm glad to have spent Valentine's day with you all.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Remediation 2/2

Second remediation went well.
Still need to work on my prioritization.
I'm sort of frustrated that I couldn't answer prof. G's question though.
She felt like throwing up when she didn't even have anything to eat for hours!
WELL DUH you pushed that medication way too fast.
Should have known I had to work in REAL TIME.
My memory will be the death of me eventually.
But other than that, I guess I did fine with everything else.
Now I have all that done, I can put it behind me.

Still worried about Sam though.
She said she'd come to open lab right after but I didn't see her there.
Hope her remediation went well.

Nursing Skill 101

This is just for me to remember certain steps on performing IVPB through a saline lock.

1. The basics: Identify patient, provide privacy, check orders, wash hands, evaluate patient, then review or explain procedure to the patient.

2. Prime secondary bag.

3. Calculate rate, re-check/look up medication determining its action, onset, peak, duration, side effects and nursing implications.

4. Assess the patient. Assess the site for tenderness, pain, redness, and swelling.

5. Unclamp tubing, flush with 3 ml of saline and watch for phlebitis and infiltration.

6. Connect primary tubing to the saline lock.

7. Connect secondary tubing to the primary tubing and back prime it.

8. Lower primary bag.

9. Set the pump to the correct rate. 

10. Make sure all the clamps are open (roller clamp and tubing clamp).

11. After 30 minutes or after secondary bag is done infusing, come back to the room and assess the patient for any adverse reactions.

12. Turn off the pump.

13. Disconnect the tubing from the saline lock.

14. Then flush the saline lock with 5 ml of saline.

15. Document.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Remediation Part 1/2

Finished the first part of remediation. 
Now onto the second one next week!
Didn't even know my former partner in sim was rescheduled to have hers today as well.
Them OB students were in there too, taking up all the chairs. 
How dare they.

Me: Hey Sam, can I sit on your lap?
Samantha: (laughs and getting a bit red at this point)
First time I ever made someone blush like that.
Don't sue me for sexual harassment onegai huhuh :\

Also, I guess we're gonna be having a new instructor for block 3.
Think her name was Kelsie? Notsure how to spell it.
But damn. Cute as hell!!
Too bad she's not teaching this semester hurrr. 
Lucky juniors... those guys will be all over her!

All in all, remediation went well.
Hoping I'll please the other instructor next week.
Go gentle on me por favor.