Monday, April 28, 2014


Took the HESI for the first time since I started nursing school.
I gotta say I'm very disappointed and very upset with the teachers.
The week before we took our HESI, we had a review class.
I was excited too because some of those questions showed up on the test itself.
What really made me angry was that they were giving us the wrong answers.
Especially this one question. I initially picked the right answer but the teacher said it was wrong.
So I went by with what she said and totally got it wrong on the test.
The right one was my initial answer.
I feel so cheated.

I texted my friend about it, and then he was able to reassure me.
He said to just go by THEIR rules even if they're full of bullshit.
Just pass nursing school.
And upon graduating, start studying for the REAL thing.
Meaning, I have to actually read the whole NCLEX review book.
Sounds legit to me.

Still disappointed though.
I thought school was going to be helpful.
I guess I was wrong.


I think the last date I had was back in March.
Was gonna plan on having a couple dates this month but....
that's nursing school for you.